Siti Saadah, author
Response asymmetry in spillover volatility: an empirical study in the indonesia and singapore stock market
Atmajaya Catholic University, Faculty of Economics., 2013
 Artikel Jurnal
Amanda Melissa Christiana, author
The empirical relationship between stock return and trading volume based on stock market cycles / Amanda Melissa Christiana, Eva Septiana, Mamduch
Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2016
 Artikel Jurnal
Sugeng Purwanto, author
The possibility of manipulated IPO underpricing and post-IPO stock return: empirical study on jakarta stock exchange 2009-2012
Paramadina Graduate School of Business, 2014
 Artikel Jurnal
Hermiyetti, author
The influence of good corporate governance mechanism on earnings management: empirical study in indonesian stock exchange listed company for periods of 2006-2010 / Hermiyetti, Evita Nora Manik
Universitas Bakrie, 2013
 Artikel Jurnal
Helma Malini, author
The volatility of indonesia shari’ah capital market stock price toward macro economics variable / Helma Malini, Mohammad Jais
Tanjungpura University, Faculty of Economy, 2014
 Artikel Jurnal
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