Elviera Gamelia, author
Rural-based health promotion model for pregnant women in banyumas district
Universitas jenderal soedirman, health sciences faculty, department of public health, 2016
 Artikel Jurnal
The intervension of standard and persuasive messages in health promotion education toward practices of pregnant women in the district of Buol
 Artikel Jurnal
Women's health: a quide health promotion & disorder management
Lippincott Eilliams & Wilki, 2005
 Buku Teks
Women's health: a guide to health promotion and disorder management
edited by Brenna H. Mayer
lippincott Willims & Wilkins, 2005
 Buku Teks
I Gusti Ayu Karnasih, author
Nilai dan budaya yang mempengaruhi perilaku konsumsi tablet besi pada ibu hamil suku Madura di desa Bintoro Kabupaten Banyumas Jember: studi etnografi = The influence of local value and traditions on the iron supplement consumption of pregnant women from Madura tribe in Bintoro village Jember district: Ethnography study / I Gusti Ayu Karnasih
Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2009
 UI - Tesis (Open)
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