Ni Made Sri Rahyanti, author
Dampak posisi duduk dalam pelukan orang tua terhadap nyeri anak selama prosedur insersi intravena = Impact of sitting position in parent's hold to child's pain during intaravenous insertion procedure
 UI - Tesis Membership
Ni Made Sri Rahyanti, author
Aplikasi Teori Comfort Kolcaba melalui Intervensi Posisi Duduk Dalam Pelukan Orang Tua saat Insersi Kateter Intravena pada Anak dengan Gangguan Kebutuhan Cairan = Application of Kolcaba's Comfort Theory through a Sitting Position in a Parent's Hold During Catheter Intravenous Insertion of Children with Fluid Imbalance
Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan, 2018
 UI - Tugas Akhir
Ria Veni Susanti, author
Perbandingan tingkat keberhasilan insersi jarum spinal pada posisi duduk bersila antara ibu hamil obes dan ibu hamil bukan obes yang menjalani seksio sesarea = Comparison successful of spinal needle insertion rates in obese and non obese parturient with cross leg sitting position undergoing caesarean section / Ria Veni Susanti,
 UI - Tesis Membership
Annisa Ramadhani, author
Campur kode bahasa Indonesia -bahasa Inggris dalam acara "welcome to BCA" di Metro TV
Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2011
 UI - Tesis Open
Knot insertion and deletion algorithms for B-spline curves and surfaces
edited by Ronald N. Goldman, Tom Lyche
Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 1993
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