Nurin Nadzifatil Fitriyah, author
Trehalosa sebagai alternatif dalam medium vitrifikasi oosit mencit: tinjauan pada apoptosis = Trehalose as an alternative vitrification medium for mice oocyte a study of apoptotic level
 UI - Tesis (Membership)
Rahmah Wati Utami, author
Kombinasi Trehalosa dan Gliserol sebagai Alternatif Krioprotektan pada Freezing Sperma: Tinjauan pada Kualitas Sperma, Kadar MDA dan Integritas DNA = Combination of Trehalose and Gycerol as an Alternative Cryoprotectant in Rapid Freezing Sperm: Study on Sperm Quality, MDA Concentration, and DNA Integrity
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2023
 UI - Tesis (Membership)
Dwita Medya Pangesti, author
Pengaruh penggunaan lioprotektan trehalosa terhadap protransfersom asam azelat = Effects of using lyoprotectant trehalose on protransfersome azelaic acid
 UI - Skripsi (Membership)
Sirait, Batara Imanuel, author
Pengaruh Vitrifikasi terhadap Maturitas dan Kualitas Oosit Matur dan Imatur: Kajian terhadap Gap-Junction, Apoptosis, Oocyte Secreted Factors, Reseptor FSH dan LH pada Sel Kumulus-Granulosa = Effect of Mature and Immature Oocytes Vitrification on Maturity- and Quality-Associated Genes: Focus on Gap-Junction, Apoptosis, Oocyte Secreted Factors, FSH dan LH Receptors on Cumulus-Granulosa Cells
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2023
 UI - Disertasi Membership
Elba Rahma Zulhadidjah, author
Pengaruh penambahan antioksidan alfa-tokoferol pada medium vitrifikasi terhadap kualitas Oosit Domba Garut (Ovis aries) = The effect of addition alpha-tocopherol antioxidant on vitrification medium to the quality of Garut Sheep Oocytes (Ovis aries) / Elba Rahma Zulhadidjah
 UI - Skripsi (Membership)
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