Mutiara Primaster W., author
Pengaruh konsentrasi alginat terhadap pelepasan terkendali ekstrak daun binahong dari mikropartikel kitosan-alginat dalam fluida sintetik gastrointestinal = The effects of alginate concentration in controlled release of anredera cordifolia leaves extract from chitosan alginate microparticles in synthetic gastrointestinal fluids
 UI - Skripsi (Membership)
Shadrina Izzati, author
Pengaruh konsentrasi oleoresin ekstrak jahe zingiber officinale dalam mikropartikel kitosan-alginat terhadap profil pelepasan terkendali dalam fluida sintetik gastrointestinal = Effect of oleoresin concentration from ginger extract in chitosan-alginate microparticle towards the drug release profile in simulated gastrointestinal fluid
 UI - Skripsi (Membership)
Shadrina Izzati, author
Pengaruh konsentrasi oleoresin ekstrak jahe (zingiber officinale) dalam mikropartikel kitosan-alginat terhadap profil pelepasan terkendali dalam fluida sintetik gastrointestinal = Effect of oleoresin concentration from ginger extract in chitosan-alginate microparticle towards the drug release profile in simulated gastrointestinal fluid
 UI - Skripsi (Membership)
Siti Adlina Panca Putri, author
Pengaruh berat molekul kitosan terhadap pelepasan terkendali mangostin di fluida sintetik gastrointestinal dari mikrosfer kitosan alginat = The effect of chitosan molecular weight on mangostin release in syntetic gastrointestinal fluids from chitosan alginate microsphere / Siti Adlina Panca Putri
 UI - Skripsi (Membership)
Nugrahirani Hijrianti, author
Pengaruh konsentrasi alginat pada mikropartikel kitosan-alginat yang dimuati oleoresin jahe merah terhadap profil pelepasan dalam larutan sintetis gastrointestinal dan karakteristiknya = Effect of alginate concentration on chitosan alginate microparticles loaded with red ginger oleoresin towards released profile in synthetic gastrointestinal fluid and its characteristics
Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2017
 UI - Skripsi (Membership)
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