Zeni Hadiqoh, author
Pengaruh internal health locus of control terhadap aktivitas fisik pada mahasiswa yang menderita asma = The effect of internal health locus of control on physical activity in college student with asthma
 UI - Skripsi (Membership)
Kintamani Arafah, author
Pengaruh health locus of control terhadap keterkendalian asma pada penderita asma = The effect of health locus of control on asthma control in asthmatic patients
 UI - Skripsi (Membership)
Nadia Alisha, author
Pengaruh health locus of control terhadap perilaku sehat pada penderita asma = The effect of health locus of control on health behavior in asthmatic patients
 UI - Skripsi (Membership)
Anindita Chairina, author
Peran kepatuhan sebagai variabel mediator antara health locus of control dan kualitas hidup pada penderita asma = The mediating role of adherence on the relationship between health locus of control and quality of life among adults with asthma
 UI - Skripsi (Membership)
Pengaruh locus of control, orientasi etika dan budaya etis organisasi terhadap pemgambilan keputusan etis dalam kondisi dilema etika : studi empiris pada auditor internal dan eksternal Pemerintah Aceh
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