Zahra Widyawati, author
Pengaruh penambahan glutation dalam medium kultur CZB terhadap perkembangan blastokista awal mencit (mus musculus l.) galur DDY hasil laser assisted hatching = The effect of glutathione supplementation in CZB medium culture on early blastocyst stage of mice (mus musculus l.) embryos strain DDY after laser assisted hatching
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Clarissa Mirafraditya Puspita Anggraini, author
Pengaruh berbagai ukuran laser assisted hatching terhadap perkembangan kultur blastokista awal mencit (mus musculus l.) galur DDY pasca vitrifikasi = The effect of various size laser assisted hatching of early blastocyst culture of mice( mus musculus l.) strain DDY post vitrification
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Clarissa Mirafraditya Puspita Anggraini, author
Pengaruh berbagai ukuran laser assisted hatching terhadap perkembangan kultur blastokista awal mencit (mus musculus l.) galur DDY pasca vitrifikasi = The effect of various size laser assisted hatching of early blastocyst culture of mice (mus musculus l.) strain DDY post vitrification
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Dwi Septy Andini, author
Pengaruh berbagai konsentrasi etilen glikol dan dimetil sulfoksida dalam vitrifikasi terhadap perkembangan kultur blastokista awal mencit (mus musculus l.) galur DDY hasil laser assisted hatching = The effect of different concentrations of ethylene glycol and dimethyl sulfoxide in vitrification of earlycy blastocyst culture of mice (mus m blastousculus l.) strain DDY after laser assisted hatching
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Rima Haifa, author
Pengaruh penipisanĀ½ keliling zona pelusida dengan laser assisted hatching terhadap perkembangan kultur embrio mencit (mus musculus l.) galur ddy tahapan morula dan blastokista awal = The effect of laser assisted hatching of half zona pellucida thinning on morula and early blastocyst stage of mice (mus musculus l.) strain ddy embryo culture
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