Haickel Franklyn, author
Studi pembentukan DNA adduct (8-OHdG) sebagai biomarker risiko kanker secara in vivo pada tikus (rattus norvegicus) akibat bahan kimia bisphenol A (BPA) melalui reaksi fenton-like dengan logam kromium (VI) = The study of dna adduct (8 OHdG) formation as a cancer risk biomarker as in vivo on rats (rattus norvegicus) by bisphenol A (BPA) through fenton-like reaction with Cr (VI) metals
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Arminta Utari, author
Studi pembentukan DNA adduct 8-hidroksi-2-deoksiguanosin sebagai biomarker risiko kanker secara in vitro akibat paparan senyawa akrilamida dan logam kromium heksavalen = Study of 8-hydroxy-2-deoxyguanosine DNA adduct as cancer risk biomarker through in vitro exposure of acrylamide and hexavalent chromium / Arminta Utari
 UI - Skripsi (Membership)
Nadia Nahla Karima, author
Studi In Vitro Pembentukan DNA Adduct (8-OHdG) Sebagai Biomarker Risiko Kanker Akibat Bahan Kimia Bisphenol A (BPA) Berdasarkan Reaksi Fenton-Like = In Vitro Study Formation of DNA Adducts (8-OHdG) as Biomarkers of Cancer Risk Due to Bisphenol A (BPA) by Fenton-Like Reactions
 UI - Skripsi (Membership)
Chrissy Fransisca Olivyana Rugian, author
Studi in vivo pembentukan DNA adduct (8-OHDG) pada tikus (rattus novergicus) akibat bahan kimia bisphenol A (BPA) melalui reaksi fenton-like dan logam nikel (II) sebagai biomarker risiko kanker = In vivo study of DNA adduct (8-OHDG) formation of rats (rattus novergicus) by using bisphenol A (BPA) chemical through fenton like reaction and nickel (II) metal as cancer risk biomarker
 UI - Skripsi (Membership)
Tissa Wiraatmaja, author
Studi in vivo pembentukan DNA adduct 8-OHDG pada tikus (rattus novergicus) akibat bahan kimia bisphenol A (BPA) sebagai biomarker risiko kanker melalui reaksi fenton = The study of dna adduct 8-OHDG formation by in vivo reaction in rats (rattus novergicus_ due to bisphenol A (BPA) as biomarker of risk cancer through fenton reaction
 UI - Skripsi (Membership)
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