Nathalia Hastuti Handayani, author
Peran Mahkamah Perkumpulan dalam Kongres Ikatan Notaris Indonesia (Penetapan Anggota Dewan Kehormatan Pusat Ikatan Notaris Indonesia Dalam Kongres INI XXII) = The Role of Association Court in Indonesia Notary Association Congress (The Determination of The Honorary Board Member of The Centre of Indonesian Notary Association in INI Congress XXII) / Nathalia Hastuti Handayani
 UI - Tesis Membership
Surya Pradian Setijono, author
Peran mahkamah perkumpulan dalam organisasi Ikatan Notaris Indonesia = The role of court assemblage in the Indonesian Notary organization
 UI - Tesis Membership
Ivonne Maria, author
Dugaan pelanggaran kode etik perkumpulan Ikatan Notaris Indonesia (INI) dihubungkan dengan Undang-undang Jabatan Notaris: studi kasus Kongres INI XXI = Violation of the ethic code at Indonesian Notaries Organization (INI) associated with Notary Law : XXI INI Congress as a case study
Universitas Indonesia, 2013
 UI - Tesis Membership
Aditya Revano, author
Kewenangan Mahkamah Perkumpulan dalam Penyelesaian Sengketa Perkumpulan Ikatan Notaris Indonesia (Studi Kasus Putusan Pengadilan Tinggi DKI Jakarta Nomor 752/PDT/2018/PT.DKI) = Authority of the Association Court in the Settlement of Disputes of the Indonesian Association of Notaries (Case Study of the Decision of the DKI Jakarta High Court Number 752/PDT/2018/PT.DKI).
Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2020
 UI - Tesis Membership
Egi Anggiawati Padli, author
Tinjauan yuridis terhadap fungsi dan kewenangan Majelis Pengawas Notaris dan Dewan Kehormatan Ikatan Notaris Indonesia terhadap pelanggaran perilaku notaris = A juridicial review on the function and authority of the board of notarial supervision and the honorary council of Indonesia Notary Association on violation of notary code of conduct
Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2013
 UI - Tesis Membership
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