Ega Adiwena, author
Studi sifat kekerasan, ketahanan sobek, ketahanan dimensi, dan perubahan fisika busa poliuretan hibrida berbasis pemanjang rantai lignin = Study of the hardness properties, tear resistance, dimension resistance, and physical changes of hybrid polyurethane foam based on lignin chain extender
 UI - Skripsi Membership
Muhammad Emirsyah Putra, author
Studi Sifat mekanis dan sifat termal dari busa poliuretan hibrida berbasis pemanjang rantai selulosa = Study of mechanical and thermal properties of hybrid polyurethane foam with cellulosa as the chain extender
 UI - Skripsi Membership
Dwiki Syahbana Putra, author
Pengaruh penambahan lignin sebagai chain extender terhadap sifat tarik dan kimia busa bio-polyurethane = The effect of addition of lignin as a chain extender on tensile properties and chemicals characteristic of bio-polyurethane foam
 UI - Skripsi Membership
Lestari Cinta Zanidya, author
Studi efek dari blowing agent metilen klorida dan chain extender pati pada sifat fisika, mekanik, dan termal dari busa bio-poliuretan = Study on the effects of methylene chloride blowing agent and starch chain extender to physical, mechanical, and thermal properties of bio-polyurethane foam
 UI - Skripsi Membership
Erlina Virgawati, author
Sifat ketahanan korosi, dielektrik, dan termal lapisan material hibrida poliuretan/M (M = karbon; nano-zinc oxide; karbon/nano-zinc oxide) = Corrosion resistance, dielectric properties and thermal resistance of polyurethane/M (M = carbon; nano-zinc oxide; carbon/nano-zinc-oxide)
Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2018
 UI - Skripsi Membership
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