Yue, Zhongshan, author
Social integration of rural-urban migrants in China : current status, determinants and consequences
World Scientific, 2016
 Buku Teks
Determinants and consequences of female migration in Bangladesh: a statistical analysis
 Artikel Jurnal
Aspek demografis tenaga kerja = Demographic aspects of manpower (chapter IX) from the Determinants and consequences of population trends, New summary of finding on interaction of demographic, economic and social factors, Vol.1 1973 / United Nations (PBB)
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 Buku Teks
Social change: sources, patterns and consequences
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Basic Books, 1964
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Galio Rudolfo Dian Burdames, author
Determinan sosial budaya dalam mempertahankan kebiasaan merokok masyarakat pedesaan dan perkotaan pada daerah produsen rokok di Malang, Jawa Timur = Socio cultural determinants maintaining smoking habit in rural and urban communities in regional cigarette in Malang, East Java
 UI - Tesis (Membership)
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