Nurahmi Tri Wulan Dari, author
Kesepadanan terjemahan adjektiva: perbandingan tiga versi terjemahan Novel Alice's Adventures in Wonderland (1898) = The equivalence of adjective translations: comparison of three translation versions of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland / Nurahmi Tri Wulan Dari
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Carroll, Lewis, author
Alice's adventures in wonderland
A Tom Doherty Associates Book, 1992
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Carroll, Lewis, author
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
Gramedia Pustaka Utama, 2016
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Carroll, Lewis, author
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and through the looking-glass
Wordsworth Classics, 1993
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Iqbal D. Husain, author
Efektivitas pre ambulasi dan latihan Range of Motion (ROM) terhadap peningkatan luas gerak sendi pasien pasca bedah fraktur ekstremitas bawah di RSU wilayah provinsi Gorontalo = The Effectiveness of pre ambulation and Range of Motion exercises to increase joint range of motion postsurgical patients in the lower extremity fractures in Gorontalo province regional hospital
Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2013
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