Two Achehnese poems : Hikajat Ranto and Hikajat Teungku di Meuke
edited and translated by G.W.J. Drewes
Martinus Nijhoff, 1980
 Buku Teks
Two Achehnese poems : hikajat Ranto and hikajat Teungku di Meuke
edited and translated by G.W.J. Drewes
Martinus Nijhoff, 1980
 Buku Teks
Leube Isa
Hikayat Ranto Ngon Hikayat Teungku di Meukek / oleh, Leube Isa, Tengku Malem; suntingan: Ramli Harun
Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, 1983
 Buku Teks
Hurgronje, Christiaan Snouck, 1857-1936, author
Aceh di mata kolonialis = The Achehnese
Yayasan Soko Guru, 1985
 Buku Teks
Hikajat Potjut Muhamat : an Achehnese epic = Hikayat Pòchut Muhamat / edited and translated by G.W.J. Drewes
Nijhoff, 1979
 Buku Teks
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