Natasya Sari Intan, author
Studi Numerik Perubahan Frekuensi Natural Bangunan Baja 2D dengan Sistem Rangka Pemikul Momen Khusus dan Korelasinya dengan Indeks Kerusakan dari Struktur Menggunakan Software OpenSEES = Numerical Study of Changes in Natural Frequency of 2D Steel Structures with Special Moment Resisting Frame System and Its Correlation to the Damage Index of Structure Using OpenSEES
Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2020
 UI - Skripsi (Membership)
Shabrina Asmarani, author
Studi numerikal perilaku perubahan frekuensi natural bangunan baja 2D dengan sistem moment resisting frame dan korelasinya dengan damage index dari struktur menggunakan software opensees = Numerical study of the behaviour of changes in the natural frequency of 2D steel structures with moment resisting frame system and its correlation to the damage index of the structures using opensees
Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2019
 UI - Skripsi (Membership)
Sarah Fatihah Nugroho, author
Studi Numerik Perilaku Perubahan Frekuensi Alami Bangunan Baja 2D dengan Sistem Eccentrically Braced Frame-Vertical Shear Link dan Korelasinya dengan Indeks Kerusakan Struktur Menggunakan Software OpenSEES = Numerical Study of Changes in Natural Frequency of 2D Steel Structures with Eccentrically Braced Frame-Vertical Shear Link System and Its Correlation to The Damage Index of Structure Using OpenSEES
Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2020
 UI - Skripsi (Membership)
Dhavin Ariza Adrian, author
Studi Numerik Perubahan Frekuensi Natural Bangunan Beton 2D Dengan Sistem Rangka Pemikul Momen Khusus (SRPMK) Dan Korelasinya Dengan Indeks Kerusakan Dari Struktur Menggunakan Software CAST3M = Numerical Study Of Natural Frequency Change In 2D Concrete Buildings With Special Moment Frame (SMF) and Correlation With Damage Index of Structures Using CAST3M Software
Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2020
 UI - Skripsi (Membership)
Ahmad Zaki Risadi, author
Studi Numerikal Perilaku Perubahan Frekuensi Natural Bangunan Baja 2D dengan Sistem Concentric Braced Frame dan Korelasinya dengan Damage Index dari Struktur menggunakan Software OpenSEES = Numerical Study of the Changes in the Natural Frequency of 2D Steel Structures with a Concentric Braced Frame System and its Correlation to the Damage Index of the Structure using OpenSEES
Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2019
 UI - Skripsi (Membership)
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