Rene Escalante, author
Did jose rizal a catholic? Revisiting rizal's last 24 hours using spy reports
Nakanishi Printing Company, 2019
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Noviana Mulyandini, author
Kajian karakter tokoh utama dalam cerita pendek gesch ft ist gesch ft das abenteuer dan der zwerg und die puppe karya heinrich b ll dari tinjauan eksistensialisme kierkegaard = Study of the main charackters in three short stories gesch ft ist gesch ft das abenteuer and der zwerg und die puppe from heinrich b ll using the perspective of kierkegaard s existentialism / Noviana Mulyandini
 UI - Skripsi (Membership)
Waldersee, James, author
A Grain of mustard seed society for the propagation of the faith and Australia, 1837-1977
Chevalier Press, 1983
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Campion, Edmund
Australian Catholics / Edmund Campion
Penguin Books, 1987
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Brennan, Niall, 1918-2005, author
The politics of catholics
Hill Publishing, 1972
 Buku Teks
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