Hutagaol, Stephan Anggita, author
Fenomena penyelesaian sengketa perdata tagihan melalui pendekatan pidana Restorative Justice di Indonesia = The phenomenon of the settlement of civil disputes related to debit and credit claims through Restorative Justice Criminal approach in Indonesia
Sekolah Kajian Stratejik dan Global Universitas Indonesia, 2022
 UI - Tesis Membership
Muhammad Bonar, author
Diversi sebagai bentuk penyelesaian perkara pidana anak melalui pendekatan Restorative Justice oleh penyidik = Diversion as a form of juvenile delinquency through Restorative Justice approaches by investigator
Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2013
 UI - Skripsi (Membership)
I Putu Asti Hermawan Santosa, author
Studi Keberlakuan Surat Edaran Kepala Kepolisian Republik Indonesia No. SE/8/VII/2018 Tentang Penerapan Keadilan Restoratif (Restorative Justice) dalam Penyelesaian Perkara Pidana = The Study of Enforceability of The Circular Letter of Indonesian National Police Chief Number SE/8/VII/2018 Concerning The Implementation of Restorative Justice in The Criminal Cases Settlement.
Sekolah Kajian Stratejik dan Global Universitas Indonesia, 2020
 UI - Tesis (Membership)
Ahmad Ramzy, author
Perdamaian dalam hukum pidana Islam dan penerapan Restorative Justice dikaitkan dengan pembaruan hukum pidana di Indonesia = Conciliation in Islamic criminal law and implementation of restorative justice associated with of the criminal law reform in Indonesia
Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2012
 UI - Tesis (Open)
Bimo Wiroprayogo, author
Pendekatan keadilan restoratif dalam proses diversi yang dilakukan oleh Balai Pemasyarakatan (BAPAS) untuk penyelesaian perkara tindak pidana anak berdasarkan undang-undang Nomor 11 tahun 2012 tentang sistem peradilan pidana anak (studi di bapas klas I Jakarta Pusat) = Restorative justice approach on the diversion by balai pemasyarakatan bapas for the settlement of the matter a criminal offence commited by child based on the juvenille justice system act number 11 of 2012 study on bapas klas 1 central jakarta
Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2014
 UI - Skripsi (Membership)
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