Tsedenbal, Y.
Mongolian people's republic on the road to socialism / Y. Tsedenbal
Political Literatur Publishing House, 1967
Buku Teks
Landscapes reflected in old Mongolian maps
Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, 2005
Buku Teks
Dunn, Edward
Truth about outer Mongolia / Edward Dunn
[t.p.], , 1935.
Buku Teks
High road in Tartary : an abridged revision of Abbe Huc's travels in Tartary, Tibet and China during the years 1844-5-6 / edited by Julie Bedier
Charles Scribner's Sons , 1948
Buku Teks
Contemporaries of Marco Polo / edited by Manual Komroff
Jonathan Cape, 1928
Buku Teks