Anti-thrombin III,Protein C,and Protein S deficiency in acute coronary
 Artikel Jurnal
John Gunawan Lusari, author
Analisis C-Reactive Protein pada penderita Jantung Koroner dengan Periodontitis = Analysis of C-Reactive Protein in Coronary Heart patients with Periodontitis
Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2012
 UI - Tesis Open
Management of acute coronary syndromes
edited by Christopher P. Cannon
Humana Press , 2003
 Buku Teks
R. Miftah Suryadipraja, author
The correlation between high sensitivity C-Reactive protein level and the extent of coronary lesion and cardiac systolic function in coronary heart disease
 Artikel Jurnal
Chrispian Oktafbipian Mamudi, author
Peran prokalsitonin dan C reaktif protein sebagai prediktor mortalitas tujuh hari pada pasien acute respiratory distress syndrome di RSCM
Interna Publishing (Pusat Penerbitan Ilmu Penyakit Dalam), 2019
 Artikel Jurnal
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