A Comparative study of development strategies and govenment-industry university linkages of sciense and technology parks in finland and south Korea Sang-Chul Park, Seong-Keun Lee dan Kwan-Ryul Lee
Artikel Jurnal
Lee, Dong Ah, author
Studi komparatif tentang teknologi finansial di Korea Selatan dan Indonesia = comparative study on financial technology in South Korea and Indonesia
Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Skripsi Membership
Economic change and regional development disparities in the 1990s in Korea Lee Sungkyun
Artikel Jurnal
A Comparative study of south and North Korea
National Unification Board, 1988
Buku Teks
Nagy K. Hanna, editor
National strategies to harness information technology : seeking transformation in Singapore, Finland, the Philippines, and South Africa
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