Oral cefixime therapy of gram-negative lower respiratory tract infections Benjamin M. Limson dan Vilma M. Go
 Artikel Jurnal
The Clinical efficacy of cefixime in the treatment of nontuberculous lower respiratory tract infections Hadiarto Mangunnegoro (et.al)
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The Efficacy and safety of oral cefixime in the treatment of common pediatric respiratory tract infections C.Y. Lee (et.al)
 Artikel Jurnal
Findra Setianingrum, author
Pola kepekaan bakteri gram negatif pada penderita infeksi saluran napas bawah terhadap siprofloksasin di laboratorium Mikrobiologi Klinik Departemen Mikrobiologi FKUI tahun 2001 - 2005 = Sensitivity pattern of gram negative bacterias in lower respiratory tract infections patients against ciprofloxacin in Clinical Microbiology Laboratory within 2001-2005
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2009
 UI - Skripsi (Open)
The Efficacy and safety of cefixime in the treatment of lower respiratory tract infection experiences in Teiwan Kwen-Tay Luh dan Pan-Chyr Yang
 Artikel Jurnal
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