Pengaruh kekasaran permukaan terhadap kekuatan lekat dan struktur mikro lapisan WC-Co hasil HVOF Thermal Spray
oleh Bondan T. Sofyan... [and others]
Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2004
 Artikel Jurnal
Pengaruh kekasaran permukaan terhadap kekuatan lekat dan struktur mikro lapisan WC-Co hasil HVOF Thermal spray Bondan T. Sofyan (
 Artikel Jurnal
Handbook of thermal spray technology
edited by J.R. Davis
ASM International, 2004
Thermal spray 2001: new surfaces for a new millennium ; proceedings of the International Thermal Spray Conference, 28-30 May 2001, Singapore
edited by Christopher C. Berndt, Khiam A. Khor, Erich F. Lugscheider
ASM International, 2001
Thermal spray 2004 advances in technology and application: proceedings of the International Thermal Spray Conference, 10-12 May, 2004, Osaka, Japan
ASM International
ASM International, 2004
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