Lia Hapsari, author
Diversity and ecology of understory plant in sempu island, East java, indonesia
Seameo Biotrop, 2020
 Artikel Jurnal
Peluang usaha ekowisata di kawasan cagar alam pulau Sempu, Jawa Timur (ecotouurism business opportunities in the region sempu island sanctuary, East Java)
 Artikel Jurnal
Kiblat Puspa Vijaya, author
Gangguan haid pada siswi sekolah pertama perwira prajurit karir TNI di Bandung selama pelatihan = Factors correlate with menstrual dysfunction on students of first school of indonesia military woman on Bandung
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2010
 UI - Tesis Open
Traditional forest-related knowledge : sustaining communities, ecosystems and biocultural diversity
edited by John A. Parrotta, Ronald L. Trosper
Springer, 2012
Imam Hakim, author
Hubungan kerusakan hutan mangrove dengan Abrasi (studi kasus : di Pantai Utara Pulau Bengkalis, Propinsi Riau) = The correlation between Mangrove forest degradation and abration (a case study : North Coastal Bengkalis Island, Riau Province)
Universitas Indonesia, 2003
 UI - Tesis Membership
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