Mildred Elizabeth Aldridge, author
Review: solutions for grand challenges in goat and sheep production industry
Seameo Biotrop, 2019
 Artikel Jurnal
The pastoral industries of Australia: practice and technology of sheep and cattle production
edited by G. Alexander and O.B. Williams
Sydney University Press, 1973
 Buku Teks
Munz, H.
Australian wool industry/H Munz
Cheshire, 1950
 Buku Teks
Perbandingan ekspresi mRnasitokin antar domba ekor-tipis dan merino yang diinfeksi fasciola gigantica [Comparison of Cytokine mRNA expression between Indonesia Thin -Tailed and Merino sheep during infection with fasciola gigantica]
 Artikel Jurnal
Davison, Frank Dalby, 1983-1970, author
Dusty : a dog of the sheep country
Angus and Robertson, 1962
 Buku Teks
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