Asas keseimbangan dalam perjanjian kredit bank: studi terhadap Putusan Mahkamah Agung RI No. 3956 K/Pdt/2000 jo. putusan Pengadilan Tinggi Surabaya No. 628/Pdt/1999/PT.SBY jo. putusan Pengadilan Negeri Gresik No. 37/PPdt.G/1998/PN.GS = The balance principle in the bank credit agreement: the study on the Decision of the RI Supreme Court No. 3956 K/Pdt/2000 jo/ the decision of the Surabaya High Court no. 628/Pdt/1999/PT. SBY jo. the decision of the Gresik District Court No. 37/PPdt.G/1998/PN.GS.