Pathology of the female reproductive tract / George L. Mutter, Jaime Prat
Churchill Livingstone/​Elsevier, 2014
 Buku Teks
Novak, Edmund R.
Gynecologic and obstetric pathology : with clinical and endocrine relations
W.B. Saunders, 1965
 Buku Teks
Uswatun Insani
Studi kualitatif: eksplorasi kebutuhan keluarga dalam merawat pasien kanker ginekologi = Qualitative study exploring family needs in caring patient with gynecologic cancer
 UI - Tesis Membership
Toksoplasmosis plasenta yang didiagnosis secara histopatologik
 Artikel Jurnal
Ita Mu'tiyah
Karakteristik keluhan pasien kanker ginekologi dalam perawatan paliatif = Symptoms profile of gynecologic cancer patients in palliative care
 UI - Tesis Membership