Murdoch, Iris
The sovereignty of good
Routledge Classics , 2001
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Problematic sovereignty: contested rules and political possibilities
edited by Stephen D. Krasner
Columbia University Press, 2001
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Hawtrey, R.G.
Economic aspects of sovereignty /R.G. Hawtrey
Longmas Green and Co. , 1952
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Ainun Fajri Yani
Analisa aspek kedaulatan negara objek penginderaan sensed state dalam penggunaan data hasil penginderaan jauh satelit remote sensing satellite = Analysis of sensed state s sovereignty on the use of remote sensing satellite`s data
Universitas Indonesia, 2014
 UI - Skripsi Membership
Stern, Jessica
Terror in the name of God: why religious militants kill
An Imprint of Harper Collins Publishers, 2003
 Buku Teks