Ayres, Frank, 1901-1994
Seri buku schaum : teori dan soal-soal persamaan diferensial dalam satuan SI metriks = theory and problems of differential equations SI (Metric) edition (schaums series)
Erlangga , 1986
Buku Teks
Spiegel, Murray R.
Schaum's outline of theory and problems of calculus of finite differences and difference equations
McGraw-Hill, 1971
Buku Teks
Ayres, Frank, 1901-1994
Seri buku schaum teori dan soal-soal : persamaan differensial dalam satuan SI metriks = theory and problems of differential equations
Erlangga, 1986
Buku Teks
Ayres, Frank, 1901-1994
Schaums outline of theory and problems of differential and integral calculus in si metric units
McGraw-Hill, 1981
Buku Teks
Bronson, Richard
Schaums outline of modern introductory differential equations with laplace transforms, numerical methods, matrix methods, eigenvalue problems
McGraw-Hill, 1973
Buku Teks