Looking back to think ahead green India 2047 : growth with resource enhancement of environment and nature / editors R K Pachauri, P V Sridharan
Teri , 1998
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Mechanical behaviour of materials: proceedings of the Third International Conference held in Cambridge, England, 20-24 August 1979 / editors, K. J. Miller, R. F. Smith
Pergamon Press, 1980
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High pressure in science and technology. Part 2: fluids, engineering, and safety / editors C. Homan, R. K. MacCrone, E. Whalley
North-Holland, 1984
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De fragmenten van De tweede Rose ed. K. Heeroma
Zwolle Tjeenk Willink 1958
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The Cambridge history of the British Empire / editors, J. Holland Rose, A.P. Newton, E.A. Benians
Cambridge University Press , 1929
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