Artificial life III : proceedings of the Workshop on Artificial Life, held June 1992 in Santa Fe, New Mexico; Proceedings Volume XVII
edited by Christopher G. Langton
Addison-Wesley, 1994
 Buku Teks
Nonlinear modeling and forecasting : proceedings of the Workshop on nonlinear modeling and forecasting, held September, 1990 in Santa Fe, New Mexico; Vol. 12
edited by Martin Casdagli and Stephen Eubank
Addison-Wesley , 1992
 Buku Teks
Shock waves in condensed matter 1983 : proceedings of the American Physical Society Tropical Conference, held in Santa Fe, New Mexico, July 18-21, 1983
edited by J.R. Asay
North-Holland, 1984
 Buku Teks
Entropy, information,noise-studies on system evolution
 Artikel Jurnal
Tame, Jeremy R. H.
Approaches to entropy
Springer Singapore, 2019