Willcox, William B.
The age of aristocracy 1688 to 1830
D.C. Heath and Company, 1988
Buku Referensi
Cannadine, David
The decline and fall of the British Aristocracy / David Cannadine
Papermac, 1996
Buku Teks
Ekirch, A. Roger
Bound for America: the transportation of British convicts to the colonies, 1718-1775/A. Roger Ekirch
Cloarendon Press, 1987
Buku Teks
Briggs, Asa
The age of improvement 1783-1867 / Asa Briggs
Longman, 1974
Buku Teks
Simpson, W.O.
Changing Horizons : British 1914-80
Stanley Thornes, 1986
Buku Teks