Hryniewicz, Waclaw
The challenge of our hope : Christian faith in dialogue / Waclaw Hryniewicz
Council for Research in Values and Philosophy, 2007
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Phelps, Joseph
More light, less heat : how dialiogue can transform christian confliicts into growth / Joseph Phelps
Jossey-Bass, 1999
Buku Teks SO
Chandler, Marjorie Lee
After your child divorces/Marjorie Lee Chandler
Zondervan, 1997
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Meyer, Joyce
Mengelola emosi anda: Jangan biarkan emosi dan perasaan anda mengendalikan hidup anda: Managing your emotions: instead of your emotions managing you
Gospel Pres, 2005
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Arnold, Johann Christoph
Jeritan korban teror...: berbagi kiat membebaskan anda dari kepahitan hidup = Why forgive? / Johann Christoph Arnold; penerjemah, Frans Kowa
Grasindo, 2002
Buku Teks