New York : The American Jewish Commeitte
Majalah, Jurnal, Buletin
Paulus Wirutomo
Sociological reconceptualization of social development: with empirical evidence from Surakarta city, Indonesia
Artikel Jurnal
Donne, John, 1572-1631
The poems of John Donne / edited from the old editions and numerous manuscripts with introductions & commentary
Oxford University Press, 1951
Buku Teks
Dhammapala, Acariya
Risalah tentang parami-parami dari kitam komentar untuk Cariyapitaka = A treatise on the paramis from the commentary to the Cariyapitaka
Vijjakumara, 2010
Buku Teks
Our sacred honor : words of advice from the Founders in stories, letters, poems, and speeches / edited with commentary by William J. Bennett
Simon & Schuster, 1997
Buku Teks