Two is enough : family planning in Indonesia under the New Order 1968-1998
edited by Anke Niehof and Firman Lubis.
KITLV Press, 2003
Buku Teks
Analisis pelayanan KB mandiri wanita uasia subur berdasarkan status ekonomi ( analysis of birth control methods used by reproductive age women based on their economic status)
Artikel Jurnal
Bongaarts, John
Fertility biology, and behavior: an analysis of the proximate determinants
Academic Press, 1983
Buku Teks
Toma Afriandi
Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi partisipasi pria kawin dalam keluarga berencana dan kesehatan ibu analisis data SDKI 2012 = Factors influence the participation of married men in family planning and maternal health IDHS 2012 data analysis
Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership
Rachmanto Widjopranoto
Penelitian evaluatif tentang kebenaran pelaporan dan ketepatan pencatatan karakteristik peserta keluarga berencana (akseptor) di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta / peneliti, Rachmanto Widjopranoto
BPKS-Depsos RI , 1980
Buku Teks