Renfree, H.E.
The executive power of the commonwealth of Australia / H.E. Renfree
Legal Books, 1984
Buku Teks
Muhammad Ridhwan Indra
Dalam UUD 1945 kekuasaan eksekutif lebih menonjol (executive heavy): suatu tanggapan atas tulisan Dr. J.C.T. Simorangkir, S.H.
Haji Masagung, 1988
Buku Teks
Blachly, Frederick F.
Federal regulatory action and control / by Frederick F. Blachly and Miriam E. Oatman
Brookings Institution, 1940
Buku Teks
McClure, Wallace
International executive agreements
Columbia University Press, 1941
Buku Teks
Dewo Baskoro
Kewenangan pemegang kekuasaan eksekutif Indonesia terkait keadaan bahaya ditinjau dari hukum tata negara darurat = The authority of the executive of Indonesia pertaining state of emergency from emergency constitutional law perspective
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