The self, relationship, and subjective well-being in asia : psychological, social,and cultural perspectives/ Edited by: Allan B. I. Bernando
Allan B. I. Bernardo; Cecilia Gastardo- Conaco; Maria Emma Concepcion Liwag, editor
Kyoyook-Kwaha-Sa Publishing Company, 2007
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Nadia Ayu Paramitha
Bekerjanya modal budaya dalam proses menjadi selebgram: studi tentang selebgram di bidang fesyen = The Working of cultural capital in the process of being celebgram: the study of celebgram in the field of fashion
 UI - Makalah dan Kertas Kerja
Social Well-Being A Comparative Perspective
Fransisca ...[et. all]
PT Kompas Media Nusantara, 2023
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Cultural theory and cultural change
edited by Mike Featherstone
Sage, 1994
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Sorokin, Pitirim A.
Social and cultural dynamics
American Book, 1941
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