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30 reasons employees hate their managers: what your people may be thinking and what you can do about it
American Management Association, 2007
Scott, Graham, Gini
A survival guide to managing employees from hell: handling idiots, whiners, slackers, and other workplace demons
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The supervision of health personnel at district level /D. Flahault; M. Piot; A. Franklin
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 Buku Teks
Muhammad Ali Akbar Narasa
Dampak komunikasi interpersonal antar pegawai pada kinerja kelompok (studi pada Bank BJB KCP Sudirman Plaza Semanggi) = The impact of interpersonal communication among employees in the performance of groups (study on Bank BJB KCP Sudirman Plaza Semanggi)
 UI - Tesis Membership
Miller, Laurence, 1951-
From difficult to disturbed: understanding and managing dysfunctional employees
American Management Association, 2008