Shafie, Tun Muhammad Ghazali
King Ghaz : a man of his time
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Edward, David V.
The American Political Experience
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Ferdi Julias Chandra
Siloviki sebagai alat politik Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin dalam pengambilalihan kekuasaan oligarki di dalam pemerintahan Rusia (2000- 2008) = Siloviki as Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin’s political tool in takeover oligarchy’s power inside the Russian government (2000-2008)
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 UI - Skripsi (Membership)
Reagan as president : contemporary views of the man, his politics, and his policies
editor, Paul Boyer
Ivan R. Dee, 1900
 Buku Referensi
Good, Yohn M
To institute a new government: the political aims of the american revolution/ John M. Good
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