Taranath, Bungale S.
Steel, concrete & composite design of tall buildings
McGraw-Hill, 1997
 Buku Teks
Ellobody, Ehab
Finite element analysis and design of steel and steel-concrete composite bridges
Butterworth-Heinemann, 2014
Composite construction design for buildings
edited by Ivan M. Viest, Joseph P. Colaco, Richard W. Furlong
ASCE; McGraw-Hill, 1997
 Buku Teks
Maulid M. Iqbal
Increasing strengths and ductilities in PVC-tube protected prepacked aggregate concrete columns
Program studi magister Teknik Siping Univ.Sriwijaya, 2006
 Artikel Jurnal
Mrazik, Augustin
Plastic design of steel structures/ Miroslav Skaloud; Miloslav Tochacek
Ellis Horwood, 1987
 Buku Teks