Steam tables : properties of saturated and superheated steam - from 0.08865 to 15.500 LB per SQ in absolute pressure
ASME, 1967
Buku Teks
Haar, Lester
NBS/NRC steam tables : thermodynamic and transport properties and computer programs for vapor and liquid states of water in SI units
Hemisphere, 1984
Buku Teks
Steam : its generation and use
Babcock & Wilcox Company
Babcock and Wilcox , 1960
Buku Teks
Shlyakhin, P.
Steam turbines : theory and design
Peace Publishers, 1962
Buku Teks
Bloch, Heinz P.
Steam turbines: design, applications and re-rating
McGraw-Hill, 2009
Buku Teks