Brandt, Willy
Peace; writings and speeches of the Nobel Peace Prize winner,
Verlag Neue Gesellschaft , 1971
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Pauling, Linus
A lifelong quest for peace : a dialogue
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, 2009
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Krieger, David
Choose hope : your role in waging peace in the nuclear age
Middleway Press, 2002
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Peace by piece: sebelas essai terbaik dari kompetisi write a piece for peace 2017
Ach Taufiqil Aziz ... [and others]; editors, Feby Indriani dan Irsyad Rafsadie
PUSAD Paramadina, 2018
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Peace and conflict studies : a reader
edited by Charles Webel and Jorgen Johansen
Routledge, 2012
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