Leontine Visser
Remaining poor on natural riches: the politics of environment in west papua / Leontine Visser
Artikel Jurnal
Behavioral science and educational administration / edited by Daniel E. Griffiths
The University of Chicago Press, 1964
Buku Teks
Jaco, E. Gartly
Patients, physicians and illness : a sourcebook in behavioral science and health / Edited by E. Gartly Jaco
Free Press, 1972
Buku Teks
Essays in the science of culture: in honor of Leslie A. White / edited by Gertrude E. Dole and Robert L. Carneiro
Thomas Y. Crowell Company, 1960
Buku Teks
Adolescent problem behaviors : issues and research / edited by Robert D. Ketterlinus; Michael E. Lamb
Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 1994
Buku Teks