Cognation and social organization in Southeast Asia
edited by Frans Husken and Jeremy Kemp
KITLV Press, 1991
 Buku Teks
Fifield, Russell H.
Southeast Asia in United States policy
Praeger , 1963
 Buku Teks
Anggun Puspitasari
Eksistensi asean regional forum (ARF) di tengah tren bilateralisme kawasan asia tenggara : sebuah analisa teori balance of influence = The existence of the asean regional forum arf within the bilateralism trend in southeast asia an analysis of balance of influence theory / Anggun Puspitasari
 UI - Tesis Membership
Yugolastarob Komeni
Lingkungan strategis di kawasan Asia Tenggara dan stagnasi pertahanan Indonesia periode 2001-2004
 UI - Tesis Open
Henderson, William
Southeast Asia problems of United States policy
The MIT Press, 1963
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