McKeane, Alasdair
Longman, 1994
 Buku Teks SO
Farb, Peter
Man's rise to civitsation as show by the Indians of North Americ from primeval times to the coming of the industrial state / Peter farb
E.P Dutton, 1968
 Buku Teks
Farb, Peter
Man's rise to civitsation as show by the Indians of North Americ from primeval times to the coming of the industrial state / Peter farb
E.P Dutton, 1968
 Buku Teks SO
Leo Ericton
Kebangkitan ultranasionalis Jerman pada masa kepemimpinan kanselir Angela Merkel (2005-2018) (studi atas skinhead Jerman dan kekerasan rasial terhadap imigran) = The rise of German ultranationalist during chancellor Angela Merkel's reign (2005-2018) (study of German skinhead and racial violence against immigrants) / Leo Ericton
 UI - Tesis Membership
Treatment and disposal of liquid and solid industrial wastes : proceedings of the Third Turkish-German Environmental Engineering Symposium, Istanbul, July 1979 / edited by Kriton Curi.
Pergamon Press, 1980.
 Buku Teks