Callula Tabitha Adirazahra
Pengaruh ukuran dewan, komisaris independen, dan representasi wanita dalam dewan perusahaan terhadap kinerja perusahaan yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia tahun 2010-2019 = The effect of board size, independent commissioner, and women's representation in the company board on the performance of companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2010-2019
Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Indonesia, 2021
 UI - Skripsi Membership
Faisal Wijaya
Peran leader group orientedness sebagai moderator pengaruh leader group prototypicality terhadap positive leader identity pada pemimpin perusahaan = The moderating role of leader group orientedness in the influences of leader group prototypicality to positive leader identity in company
Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2017
 UI - Skripsi Membership
Influence of servant leadership and learning goal orientation to innovative work behavior mediated by psychological capital: study case at BMKG = Pengaruh servant leadership dan learning goal orientation terhadap innovative work behavior yang dimediasi oleh psychological capital di Badan Meteorologi Klimatologi dan Geofisika
Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2019
 UI - Tesis Membership
Soebowo Musa, 1962-
Authentic leadership, orientasi strategi, dan pelaksanaan strategi: sebuah trilogi bagi kinerja organisasi = Authentic leadership strategic orientation and strategy execution a trilogy for an organizational performance
Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2017
 UI - Disertasi Membership
Anisa Damayati
Rasa berdaya psikologis sebagai mediator pengaruh antara leader-member exchange dan komitmen terhadap perubahan di Kementerian BUMN = Psychological empowerment as mediator between leader-member exchange and commitment to change in Kementerian BUMN
Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2016
 UI - Tesis Membership