The College blue book : occupational education
edited by Max M. Russell
Macmillan, 1973
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The College blue book : U.S. colleges: narrative descriptions
Macmillan Information, 1972
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The College blue book : degrees offered by colleges and subjects
Macmillan Information, 1972
 Buku Referensi
Limbong, Andre Wijaya
Analisa lempung smektit di lapangan geotermal dengan komparasi Methylene Blue (MeB) dan data resistivitas 1D & 2D magnetotellurik = Analysis smectite clay in geothermal field with comparison of Methylen Blue (MeB) and 1D & 2D MT resistivity data
 UI - Skripsi (Membership)
Knapp, Patricia B.
College teaching and the college library
American Library Association , 1970
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