Pinker, Steven
The blank slate : the denial of human nature / Steven Pinker
Penguin Books, 2002
 Buku Teks
Graham, Frank D.
the Theory of international values / Frank D. Graham;
Princeton University press, 1948
 Buku Teks
Information from processes : about the nature of information creation, use, and representation
edited by Robert M. Losee
Springer-Verlag, 2012
Hume, David
A treatise of human nature
J.M. Dent & Sons , 1959
 Buku Teks
Zulkifli Ali
Hubungan peran serta siswa sekolah lanjutan pertama dengan pelestarian lingkungan : Hasil survei di wilayah DKI Jakarta = Correlation between promary high school students participation and enviromental conservation : A survey in DKI Jakarta regional
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