Lee, Rose Hume
The City: urbanism and urbanizaion in major world regions
J.B. Lippincott, 1955
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Ragette, Friedrich.
Traditional domestic architecture of the Arab region
Edition Axel Menges, 2003
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Ballantyne, William M.
Essays and addresses on Arab laws
Curzon, 2000
 Buku Teks
Hilmi Prabowo
Perbandingan Sistem Perbankan Indonesia dan Arab Saudi = COMPARISON OF BANKING SYSTEMS OF INDONESIA AND SAUDI ARABIA
Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2023
 UI - Tesis Membership
Moore, Lindsey
Arab, muslim, women : voice and vision in postcolonial literature and film
Routledge, 2008
 Buku Teks