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Nursing theories and models
Routledge , 1997
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Rita Dewi Sunarno
Penerapan Teori Keperawatan “Need for Help Wiedenbach” dan “Conservation Levine”pada Asuhan Keperawatan Ibu Perdarahan Postpartum = Application of Nursing Theories of “Need for Help Wiedenbach” and “Conservation Levine” in Nursing Care of Women with Postpartum Hemorrhage
Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2014
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Nursing process: application of theories, frameworks, and models
edited by Janet W. Griffith, Paula J. Christensen
Mosby, 1982
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Joos, Irene
Man, health, and nursing: basic concepts and theories
Reston publishing , 1985
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Rodgers, Beth L.
Concept development in nursing: foundations, techniques, and applications
Saunders , 2000
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