Katz, Wiliiam A.
Introduction to reference work : volume I, basic information sources / William A. Katz
McGraw-Hill, 1992
Buku Referensi
Expert systems in reference services / Christine Roysdon, Howard D. White, editors
Haworth Press, 1989
Buku Referensi
Palmer, Roger C.
Online reference and information retrieval / Roger C. Palmer
Libraries Unlimited, 1987
Buku Referensi
Katz, William A., 1924-
Introduction to reference work; Volume II: reference services and reference processes
McGraw-Hill, 1987
Buku Teks
Katz, William A., 1924-
Introduction to reference work volume II: reference services and reference progresses
McGraww-Hill, 1992
Buku Teks