Radin, Edward
The innocents / Edward D. Radin.
William Morrow and Company, 1964
 Buku Teks
Kunstler, William M.
The Case for courage / by William M. Kunstler
William-Morrow and company, 1962
 Buku Teks
: cases and materials on environmental law /​ compiled by]Jerome G. Rose.
State University of New Jersey, 1974
 Buku Teks
Fusilier, H. Lee
Competition and public policy Cases in antitrust/ H. Lee Fusilier, Jerome C. Darnell
Prentice-Hall, 1971
 Buku Teks
Maguire, John MacArthur
Cases and materials on evidence / by John M. Maguire, James H. Chadbourn
Foundation Press,, 1978
 Buku Teks